holy spirit – Zipporah's Thimble https://www.zipporahsthimble.com Set Apart Garments Sun, 24 Jul 2022 03:12:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 194887716 Tzitzit Ruach https://www.zipporahsthimble.com/product/tzitzit-ruach/ https://www.zipporahsthimble.com/product/tzitzit-ruach/#respond Sun, 10 Sep 2017 00:26:00 +0000 http://zipporahsthimble.com/?post_type=product&p=359 Ruach 2020[/caption] Created in a beautifully twisted braid pattern. A beautiful combination of 2 shades of Blue cords are created in 100% cotton cords. Gold cord has a sheen like all the others and accents the tassel beautifully. The pattern consists of one section of braid entertwining and twisting the 4colors with cascading tassels at the end Each tassel consists of 4 colors twisted into a beautiful round braided style tassel. The number 4 is significant in scripture. 4 corners of the Set Apart City, 4 corners of our garments, 4 winds, and 4 corners of the earth. The New jerusalem is 4 square. The creator created the sun and the moon on the 4th day. In the fourth year the fruit of the trees are set apart to YHWH. Lev 19:24 "And in the fourth year all its fruit is set-apartĀ  praises to YHWH. Each set of Tzitzit comes with 4 tassels each tassel has a top loop for easy attachment to any garment with 4 corners. Select your loop size below. How to measue what size loop you need: measure from the tzitzit hole to the bottom hem of garment multiply times 2 (ie: hole is 1 inch from hem x 2= 2 inch loop) Get yours today and tell your friends and family about the new Ruach Tzitzit set. available in Cotton and linen]]> https://www.zipporahsthimble.com/product/tzitzit-ruach/feed/ 0 359